Tuesday, February 19, 2008

What I've Learned

Participating in that social ride on Sunday gave my week some miles! Last week I pedaled a little over 80 miles. AND am still alive ready for more!

It’s been almost 2 months since I started bike commuting to work. Here’s what I have learned
- It’s not the pedaling that takes that much longer.. it’s the preparation and planning for the next day
- If I eat an oatmeal breakfast, I will burp the 8 miles to work, so I have a drink of milk.( then I have tea and fruit at work)
- Pump your bike tires at least once per week!
- Be BOLD. Know the traffic rules and hold yourself to them. No Sidewalk for me(if there was one… ha)
- There is No non-awkward method for pushing your bike & you out the office door!
- Leave a pair of skivvies (or an entire outfit) at work. There will be a day you go commando unplanned otherwise!!
- The guy slowing down to make comments really needs to get out More!
- Once the a.m. temp hits 42 degrees, it’s too warm to pedal in an Arron sweater.
- Co-Workers, Friends are going to think you are Nuts! But they already love me because of my quirky intelligence (or are waiting for my alien antennae to be exposed)! So I just tell them I Like it.. and smile into their astounded faces.
- Listen to everyone’s reasonable comments, try their advice! Settle into the combination that works for you.
- If I can pedal my lard-a** 16 miles per day. ANYONE CAN! Really! I am lugging enough extra around to basically make another one of me…. So Biking is an excellent low-impact aerobic activity, and by making the biking have a purpose (aside from reducing my lard a**) I will actually do it!

It’s important to note; when I initially began bike commuting the only ‘real’ cyclists I saw were the ones with all the fancy spandex, legs spinning madly, on a sleek skinny steed. Now I am realizing, I am simply a different breed of ‘cyclist’. Perhaps a more eco-friendly one. I am using the free 46lb bike, integrating pedaling into a lifestyle change. A Zen pedal path to work. My bike is a tool for daily simplification, contemplation and transportation.

Luckily for me, a really famous man, based a few hours away, feels commuter cycling is ‘real’ too. Lance Armstrong is opening a bike shop for urban & commuter bike gear, along with racing and mountain bikes. Check out the article here. Maybe I can buy my new bike there. in Dec(or pout it on layaway!!)

1 comment:

TexanInOK said...

Ha, been there done that with the "skivvies". I always keep one extra everything including shoes in a drawer at work.