Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Bike Commuting Reduces Physical BLAHS

The theory: Morning pedaling invigorates the body with fresh ram air intake reducing the physical complaints incurred from daily existence within the unnatural environment created by human culture named ‘office’.

Don’t misunderstand. Having been in my current employment only 3 months I don’t know enough to distinguish anything bad. Everyone is friendly. I have my own office and the co-workers are all intelligent active eccentric geeks. It’s great!

For plausible corroboration, I offer these 2 incidents. Yesterday I rode in a car to work. I also had a sinus headache All day. Last Thursday I also drove. The entire day I was slightly peaked and droopy wishing for a nap.

What do ya think? Is there correlation between sensations of general physical malaise and lack of pedaling? Do I subconsciously feel less then 100% because I know I am planning not to pedal? Or do I unintentionally elect to drive when subliminal precursors are predicative of an encroaching minor ailment? Do you notice differences in physical/mental abilities on the days you exercise vs off days?

Maybe I should simply expand this thought to any morning exercise…

I read a intersting article here written by an individual trying to have 50 car-free days this year. Changing a habit and planning instead of blindly leaning on convenience takes work and determination. This goal is cool for various raison d'êtres!


TexanInOK said...

I have been running in the morning before work and I can tell the days that I don't. On run days I am a lot more alert for the start of the day through the end.

CVSURF said...

Congrats on your 5k. Actually you went further but that is good too.

Chris said...

I would have to say that there is a definiate correlation between the two. Getting out and getting endorphins moving and the senses peaked makes a huge difference in a day. (at least it does for me)

AdamRiva said...

I can definitely tell the difference, especially if I go a few days without working out early (or at all). After 3 days without working out, life sucks. Keep riding!