Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Soy or Moo Milk?

It appears I have lost the interest of the few readers whom have been offering me encouragement & tips from their own experiences. I’ll just have to keep plugging on.

I pedaled in today. The air was a moist & slimy damp morning with temp at 68 degrees, humidity 89% and the winds half way against me at 12 mph SSW. I left 10 minutes earlier then usual, on purpose, planning pedal slow (hoping not to arrive dripping wet). Left at 6:42, arrived at 7:27.

I used my new sports bra!! Its almost a shame to spend so much on something that is ugly... and no one will see! While it will do for biking, it is in no way capable of handling the job for jogging! DANG. Well I guess I will be ordering a $$ affair I saw on TitleNineSports web page. They called it a 5 barbell Bra, "The Last Resort".

I hope to pedal home. It might rain. Of course the Wind is going to flip... so it will be against me going home too! Forecast is 75, 50% humidity, Winds either 16 mph SSW, or 13 mph NW.

I HAVE to walk/run tonight too! It is only 2.5 weeks till that 5K! It seemed like such a good idea when I was paying for it online…

SOY or COW milk?? What do you drink? I LOVE cow milk. (Well, actually I would be drinking half & half… if it wasn’t incredibly bad for me! (This may originate from getting milk delivered daily in the glass bottles with thick cream on the top, when I was overseas.) I manage to drink the 2%. I do use real cream in my 1 cuppa tea.

This weekend I purchased the light vanilla Soy milk I figured it was closest to 2% .No creamy consistency eixists. I guess it’s not bad. Some articles I have read discuss that women need X grams of soy protein per day… Other things discuss how moo milk is the ultimate after workout drink… If you look at it environmentally; reducing consumption of any cow associated product, may overall diminish the need for cows, thus shrinking the world herd, reducing bovine contribution to the ozone issue. On the other hand, the majority of the soy milks I looked at were Not organically produced (the labels did say ‘natural’.) I know that if I have soy milk in the house…I probably won’t drink as much milk as I have yet to adjust to the texture/flavour. So what do you drink Soy or Moo & why?

And what’s the deal with the selection of 8 thousand “power/protein/sports bars….? I walked down that aisle at the grocery store And could not believe it! Now I know why I stick to the little organic section. There can be such a thing as too much choice!


Anonymous said...

I've been reading your adventures over the past few weeks. Keep up the good work. Good luck on the 5K coming up. You'll do great.

Stick with the Moo!!

Life Outside said...

I enjoy your blog. Almost makes me want to start commuting by bike.

As for soy vs cow. I switched to soy a few years back. I use Silk Vanilla. I don't drink it only use it on cereal or in cooking. I was never a big milk drinker.

Keep on biking.

Chris said...

I have been enjoying your blog as well and "lurking" a bit with only 1 response thus far.

Keep up the good work. the weather her in the south has taken a turn for the warmer side in past few days. I feel your pain on day rides. Plus, the wind has been a bitch! :-(

As for the soy/Moo debate we have switched too a completely organic milk and have been very pleased and amazed at the difference in taste. Plus, strangeley enough, there is virtually no expiration date (like a 2 week window) Now, what's up with that?

I agree with the power bar/protain bar deluge. It's a lot of marketing and a little value and nutrition. I too try to stick with the organic more natural options.

Take Care

Old and Slow said...

soy milk is not milk -- it's soy juice with a marketing name. Balance your diet and you'll be fine with either one -- milk production is much mor eefficient than meat production so I would not worry so much about the relative efficiency.