Sunday, March 30, 2008

Texas Democratic Caucus

I rode my bike to the caucus yesterday. After all, somehow I became a precinct delegate, and got voted to the nominations committee. I was a bit nervous to be pedaling thru this neighborhood. It almost qualified to be considered a rough area. But having reconnoitered the location ahead of time, I was aware that the less then 100 parking spots were in no way going to be enough for the expected turnout of 700-900 county level democratic delegates.

What amazes me is that our government is still around.. And sort of considered a world power (world bully, if you will)! Believe me, I am not some hyper aware, democratic rabble rouser. I’d probably be more inclined to accept labels such as libertarian, green party or anarchist. What an unaware, unorganized social gathering populated by the concerned; with awareness levels spanning the spectrum from completely unaware but wanting a change to educated by other’s opinions from late night tv; to the few possibly truly educated Phd’s who were there subliminally supporting their own agendas. Unfortunately I would count myself pretty close to the completely unaware, undereducated, concerned individual.

The only Zen of the day, was the bike ride to and from…Substitute Caucus for Circus and you have a more descriptive term for the three ring event. Prior to the county caucus, I received a 44 page booklet written completely in legalize. These were the rules. Each one of these carefully worded, politically correct sections circled around the laws and loopholes of party regulation while being as clear as obsidian. I translated what I could into laymen’s terms in the corners.

Even at this low level; who you know and money matters, LOTS! Some people Wanted to go to the state caucus. Some people Wanted their friends to go. The democratic party is ALL about Equality and Balance. Privacy is shoved aside as unimportant as they wish you to respond to questions regarding sexuality (are you straight, gay, transgendered, bi), What religion do you claim, What languages do you speak… ETC ad naseum.

If you are a protestant midget of Peruvian descent that is transgendered and speaks 3 languages with a high school education AND you are a democratic delegate… What attributes will another delegate selected need to have to provide a balance for you; aside from being ‘for’ the opposing democratic candidate. Oh and its your money, vacation day’s from work and time that you will spend, should you be elected as a state or federal level delegate. BAH HUMBUG.. But this is till better then having another primate in office.

Hours later, I slowly pedaled home. Being neither wealthy in funds, nor vacation time, I declined to be a state level delegate. These posts went to the fanatics, the monied, and the retired. Are these individuals’ true representations of the Democratic American public? You tell me. Personally I don’t think so.

1 comment:

Iron Pol said...

Glad to see you're still pedaling away. I hope you are getting closer to this being more choice and less necessity.

Regardless of the whacked out nuances of party politics, the challenges associated with the primary and general election process, and the constant debate and infighting between liberals and conservatives, the United States has over 200 years of peaceful power transfers. Most countries don't stick around that long, let alone have consistently fair and peaceful elections. Thanks for taking part in the process.