Friday, March 28, 2008

The 8 mile week

Out of abiding generosity, my boss shared his sickness. … You’d think with the marvel of separate offices. I wouldn’t have caught this! Sun, Mon, and Tues, I spent sleeping, cranky and whiney. Strep throat sucks. Antibiotics make my stomach queasy.

I came back to work Wed. But I got a ride. Same with today. I actually pedaled in yesterday, but not home… I am still tired, stiff and creaky.. I know at least half of that is from not riding except 8 miles all this week. Pedaling the 16 miles per day has pretty much become such routine that I feel better when I do it then when I don’t!!

I actually miss The Beast today. I looked over to be it is usually parked and there is a big empty space where is it usually leaned up against my desk. I think I will ride it to the county democratic caucus tomorrow. After all it will be a long event since I am on the nominations committee, so pedaling in will help me sit still.

In the 3 months I have been pedaling, this is the First week that I have not ridden at least 3-4 of the 5 days. I think part of my physical sickness is probably lack of my routine exercise and lack of hearing the birdies chirping their predawn songs as they begin to stir about while I am bike commuting in.

I can’t wait to be back to bike commuting next week!

1 comment:

ElPato said...

NObel steed. I like the VW personally