Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Even Snow Flakes Are Bigger in Texas

Trapped in the courthouse, I could see the promised Snow blowing in sideways, even if it was 5 hours late! It was sticking to the roofs and resettling into the lone set of shoe prints on the sidewalk below. Finally word filtered through, the county judge had closed all county functions early!  In the parking lot the TDI had a covering of snow! Once home I changed into thicker wool socks, boots, jeans and 2 jackets to go out and play. Snow isn't common in this part of Texas.

 Zach charged out the  back door to come to a screeching halt, alternating having one foot in the air at all times for a quick bathroom break. Scottie Zach is a rescue  that made his way into my heart and home from New Orleans. Initially he wasn't keen on wet cold feet. I leashed Zach and we were off, out the front door for a walk to the park. The first park didn't have much snow, but lots of mud, so we walked on to the next park. I should have dressed a little lighter! Scrapping snow together until I had enough to begin rolling it around was exercise! I got hot. I can feel the backs of my thighs today. I was determined to build a snowman, though! After the base was created I took a break to play with Zach.

 Everyone needs a dog to clown and play with. I laughed so hard my face hurt. People came up and videoed him being such an exuberant loon. Before playing in the snow, Zach had always been indifferent to the idea of 'fetch'. Now he was hurling his low-slung form across the white, brown and green splotched ground with intense focus, snatching the snowball into his teeth and shaking it to bits before returning the dog-slimed iceball in his mouth to my feet. He even began jumping up to 'catch' snowballs.  A group of college students from India clapped and cheered Zach on. At some point Zach noted that the flakes were falling from the sky... this lead to a fiendish dancing Scottie rushing about on hind legs snapping and jumping for flakes in the air. Once he was soaked through and his tongue was hanging almost to the ground, I went back to scrapping and rolling and squashing snow into a snowman shape.

 When dark arrived, we reluctantly began walking back to the house. Along the way, Zach spotted a stunned chilled goldfinch in the road. I took off my woolen, scooped it up in a gloved hand and tucked the wee bird into my hat and hand for the rest of the walk. Once home, I fixed my frozen guest up in a small box, still inside the hat, on a heating pad, locked in the bathroom away from curious Scots & malicious Manx. I packed my swim bag, hoping there would still be snow in the morning. Imagine how surreal it would be to swim in the heated outdoor pool and see snow on the ground! Sadly, the snow was melted into ice and the pool was closed due to icy roads. I rode my bike on the rollers for an hour instead of going to the pool. Happily, the feathered guest launched himself immediately after I wired his box to a tree and released the tape.


Anonymous said...

MBT shoes

Unknown said...

Help I need someone to translate for me.. Some of these comments must be between Mandrin and other language or slang.. as the Google translator doesn't do well. Thanks!