Monday, October 18, 2010

Signed Up For My First Olympic, Crazy, I Know

Crazy. I am. I know it. But if you aren't pushing the edge of something you haven't done before... isn't it really the same experience? A settling into a new ‘comfort zone’?  I could easily trot along, happily doing a couple of sprint distance events every year. However I’ve also completed about 8 full sprint distance training triathlons, starting from my local pool & 2  woman only sprint distances. Both of those were great.  I made goal at one and was off of goal on the second due to  mechanical issues and hesitancy in the swim. Haven't I spent way too many years numbly ‘comfortable’? Unaware of any possibilities within myself. Alive yet not living?  Am I ready for an Olympic

While working at Texas Renaissance Festival as a beer & wine wench(earning for a bike rack & HW monitor) , I was thinking and thinking about this. Do I sign up or not? Decide too late & there would be no available slots. This region isn't blessed with an overabundance of Olympic distance triathlons, nor am I over-abundantly financed to be able to travel far with a bike & gear for an event. Am I ready for an Olympic? No. Not right this second, not even next month!  I can do the distances individually. Not happily and not with speed resembling any animal that ambulates at a speed between the turtle and the hare. More like a snail.

I thought back to January, when I slunk hesitantly into the TAMU pool next to Zentriathlon base camp athletes. I didn't think I could do that either. I was almost sick with nerves, hands shaking, toes cramping. The other side of the pool was a LONG ways away. I eventually made a few laps, slithered out of the pool to watch. Art in Motion. These athletes were so sure of themselves, full of technical jargon, spandex, lycra, heart-rate, cadence, low body fat, nonchalant kindness. Maybe they had never been fat, yet each of them was holding their own challenges at bay through triathlon training. I wanted to be a little more like them.

Almost a year of training and two triathlons later. I am a little more like them. An athlete. Yeah, a fat athlete, but still an athlete!  An individual using triathlon to re-pattern a life more sustainable. Transitioning alone, for no one but myself, I’m making those healthy choices more and more often.  A few dates have commented on my ‘weird eating habits’ and my ‘going to bed early’.  I hear them and wonder how much more narrow my compatibility field of life partners is becoming. As I continue forward into my own unknown, the field will narrow until only one is in the focus. I am looking forward till then!

Meanwhile my quiet version of crazy will continue and increase. I have the goal of my 1st Olympic triathlon to train towards.Come out and cheer me on Sunday April 3, 2011 at Kenmah in Galveston Texas at Gateway to the Bay!


Amy said...

You go girl!! Whoot whoot! I love your desire to push yourself and that you know you can keep moving forward.
Keep it up. You're an inspiration!

DevinBrown said...

Don't know how i missed this, but it's great you'll be doing Gateway to the Bay! I plan to be there as well. it's a great race and it's put on by a quality company. The boat start is an interesting gimmick that you will not find in many other Olympic distance tris.

Have fun!

Unknown said...

the boat part seems a little daunting right now.. but HEY, its my 3rd tri, so its time to try something longer & different!I'm stoked that you will be there somewhere ahead of me.. to cheer me as I come in