Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Back in Blogging

I haven’t blogged in awhile because my bike commutes have been fairly routine.. But suddenly I have a back log of comments and need to find time to clean up my blog…( I spent some time looking at some really great blogs on Zen, poetry, organic gardening, solar, tri-ing, weight-loss.. so very many truly incredible individuals out there with a flair for dispersing their view in an informative entertaining style, that so capably wrings an empathetic response!

I have experienced exercise gain/speed gain from the ‘rest week’ participated in a large organized ride, experienced my first 30 mile ride, been humbled by the thoughtful donation of another cyclists ‘hand-me down’ gear, found a new place to live, bought a car that gets 45-52 mpg. And have survived day one of CrossFit Training!!

Check back because plenty of the things I have experienced will benefit from your feedback!

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